Memphis International Airport pet relief area

MEM lawn near Door A1
Memphis International Airport (MEM) does not have an official pet relief area. [5/15/16 Alert reader Bob has advised me that there’s good news from MEM: The airport now not only has a pet relief area, it has three of them, and they’re the convenient kind, located on the air side of security (rather than requiring dogs and their people to exit and reenter the airport. More info about their locations in this article.] It does, however, have generous patches of lawn at both ends of the baggage claim area. To reach them, leave baggage claim by either Door A1 (and turn left) or Door C11 (and turn right). Poop bags are not provided, of course, so prepare yourself in advance.
This post is part of an ongoing series of reviews of airport pet relief areas we’ve visited. To see others, visit Dog Jaunt’s handy guide to airport pet relief areas.