Photo Friday: Seattle’s Olympic Sculpture Park
A couple of weeks ago, my dear friend Rosy visited Seattle and once again, I took her on a jaunt (last time she was here, I forced her to review a couple of Seattle food trucks for another post). This time, we went to the new-ish sculpture park on Seattle’s waterfront. I’d heard that it was lovely and dog-friendly, and now I can tell you from personal experience that it’s lovely! And dog-friendly! (We met, over the course of an hour, easily a dozen dogs.)

This sculpture, Richard Serra's "Wake," is gorgeous -- as you walk around it, and through it, the shapes line up in different ways. It's like those magical western canyons you see in pictures.
The sculptures themselves are located on a series of beautifully-landscaped switchbacks (PDF) that lead gently down to a small beach on the Puget Sound — the three of us basked on a log in the sun and listened to the waves pulling at the pebbles — and then connects to the Elliott Bay Trail (a bike trail, but it’s very walkable). We strolled through the Myrtle Edwards Park and a little bit north of it, but I’ll have to return to see where else it leads.
I’d love to see how you and your dog spent time together this week — please post your pictures on Dog Jaunt’s Facebook page, so we can all enjoy them!