Chloe’s Clicks: This week’s best dog travel links
This week’s links about dog-friendly destinations start with‘s list of three California getaways — one at Lake Tahoe, one on the coast in Cambria (near San Simeon), and the third in Julian, in the Cuyamaca mountains east of San Diego. Across the country, Jessica Marati wrote a post for Gadling about New York City’s best food trucks — food trucks are a terrific resource for visitors with dogs. Heading north, the Montecristo Travels team described a wonderful visit to Quebec City in Quebec, Canada.
In the middle of the U.S., RadioIowa reports that because the Iowa Department of Natural Resources has “seen an increase in complaints from renters about dogs and damage to cabins,” the DNR is considering changes in its current policy (until now, there have been “no restrictions on pets in state park cabins”). The possible changes include mandatory cleaning fees, a limit on the number of dog-friendly cabins, limits on the number of visiting dogs, and/or a requirement that dogs be crated in their owner’s absence.
I learned only this past week about the Historic Hotels of America, a group of over 235 “quality hotels that have faithfully maintained their historic integrity, architecture and ambiance.” How could I have missed this group? I even belong to the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which (hello!) gives me a discount at many of the member hotels. My glee was tempered by the fact that there didn’t seem to be a way to search the collection for dog-friendly hotels. I sent an inquiry, and promptly received a really helpful reply from Executive Director Thierry Roch:
“Our new website launched this past May so we are now developing Phase II, which will include a pet friendly section, complete with listings of our pet friendly hotels and their specific packages/services, for launch later this summer. For now, please access our pet friendly members by typing “pet friendly” into the Search field on our website’s masthead. This will link you to 34 of our members that are pet friendly. (There may be more, but it is up to our members to add this description to their listings.)”
Easy enough — thanks, Thierry, and I look forward to Phase II!
Which brings us to the how-tos of getting from one place to another with your dog. Check out this inspiring post on Something Wagging This Way Comes about the trouble blogger Pamela has had getting her dog Honey to be comfortable in her bike trailer (they’ve gone car-free, and the bike trailer lets — will let — her and Honey travel farther than Honey can walk on her own). It’s not always easy to get a dog accustomed to new piece of equipment — it’s a relief to know that others share your troubles, and to hear about Pamela’s plans: “The wheels are coming off so the trailer has no chance of moving. Every fun thing we do will have something to do with that trailer. And Pam will be very, very patient.”
Elizabeth Seward wrote a post on Gadling about taking a road trip with your dog, and then got so many comments from readers that she posted a second post listing their tips. The original post is pretty straightforward, and I suspect you’ve seen most of the readers’ tips too, but both are worth reading.
One of the issues mentioned in the original post is that some breeds of dogs are banned in certain jurisdictions (e.g., pit bulls in Ontario and Denver). Amy Burkert, part of the Go Pet Friendly team, wrote a post this week for Life With Dogs that will help you research your route if you own a dog that might be subject to one of these bans. The group is bigger than you think: Amy says, “We find the most affected breeds to be the Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans and German Shepherds, but Akitas, American Bulldogs, Chows, Huskies, Mastiffs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and Shar-Pei are also targeted,” and that’s not the complete list.
We end up with a delightful post from Montecristo Travels with tips for sailing with your very small dog — there are words of wisdom here too for larger dogs, but the picture of Monte curled up in his hammock (his sling bag, hooked over the hatch handle) filled me with joy.