Bone Voyage: Travel With Your Pet
Dog Jaunt’s new how-to book about dog travel, Bone Voyage: Travel With Your Pet, is now available in print and on Kindle! I love the Kindle version, because you can just click on the many links I’ve provided to other, additional dog travel information, but there’s something about a real book, on real paper, that wins my heart every time. And there’s good news for purchasers of the paperback: We’ve customized all those links, making them super-short and therefore easy to type in to your nearby phone or laptop.
Try it out! For example, in the “Troubleshooting” chapter I mention the serious issues that can arise if you travel somewhere with a dog subject to a local breed ban. I provide a link to a post written by colleagues who travel with a GSD, and have dug into the issue more than I have (breed bans just aren’t a problem for Cavalier owners!). Type into your browser (“jnt” for Dog JauNT) and you’re there!
Don’t have a Kindle, but do have some other device (laptop, desktop, phone, tablet)? You can read Kindle books on just about anything, it turns out, and the app is free (I installed it on my own Mac, after getting the green light from my careful geek husband).
What’s inside? Take a look by clicking on the link and then choosing to “look inside” (click on the book cover on the left side of the Amazon listing) or try a free sample (in the right sidebar on the Amazon page). You’ll see that I cover the best dog-friendly destinations, finding pet-friendly hotels and places to eat, and the logistics of flying, driving, and taking trains, boats, buses, etc. with your pet dog. I devote a chapter to “the three pees” (preparation, paperwork, and packing), and I worry with you about the things that can go wrong — and offer solutions.
Here’s a closer look at the cover, which was created by my friend Chandler O’Leary, a wonderful illustrator (also responsible for Dog Jaunt’s new look):
My husband made everything behind the cover look beautiful, and spent, in the process, too many hours of his life with the Kindle publishing tools. My heartfelt thanks, too, to Gene Openshaw, co-author of many of the Rick Steves guidebooks. I contacted him out of the blue, and he could so easily have made himself elusive (heaven knows he’s crazy busy). Instead, he kindly read Bone Voyage, made valuable suggestions for edits, and provided blurbs that cheered me (and might well convince you to buy the book). Here’s one: “As a long-time traveler, I know how essential a good book is to help you plan ahead and avoid the hassles and pitfalls. Do your research with this book to make your trip just what you dreamed it would be.”
Finally, my thanks go out, as always, to Dog Jaunt’s readers. You are such a support to me, and such a wonderful source of information (some of which you’ll find in Bone Voyage!). Please help me keep the book current and useful by sending me comments, corrections and updates via e-mail at
And please do one additional thing to help me and Chloe: If you like the book, leave a review on Amazon. Those stars and comments make all the difference to a book’s success!
To receive e-mail notification that a new version of Bone Voyage is out, please sign up for Dog Jaunt’s newsletter. I’ll likely publish a new edition of the book every few months or so, which is good news for you Kindle readers — those updates will keep your information as current as possible, at no additional cost (it is my understanding that Amazon does not charge for updates). In the meantime, here is a list of information that’s changed since the current edition of Bone Voyage was published.