Byline bio: Author Mary-Alice Pomputius helps people travel comfortably with their pet dogs. With Chloe, her 5 year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, she has traveled throughout the United States and to Europe. She writes Dog Jaunt, a blog about pet travel, and is the author of Bone Voyage: Travel With Your Pet. Mary-Alice also posts dog travel information and tips on Dog Jaunt’s Facebook page, Google+ page, and on Twitter.
Broadcast bio: Today we’ll be talking with Mary-Alice Pomputius, author of Bone Voyage: Travel With Your Pet. Mary-Alice travels with Chloe, her 5 year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, throughout the United States and to Europe, and loves helping other people travel with their pets. Take a look at her blog, Dog, to learn more. Welcome, Mary-Alice! What’s the best tip you can give people who want to travel with their pet dog?
Full bio: Author and blogger Mary-Alice Pomputius helps people take the plunge and travel with their pets. She’s traveled with Chloe, her 5 year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, since the day they met. Dismayed by the lack of detailed information about pet travel available at the time — particularly about flying with an in-cabin dog — Mary-Alice began writing her blog Dog Jaunt in April 2009, and hasn’t yet run out of things to talk about.
She’s helped by her readers, who contribute travel tips and tales of their own to the blog. She’s also helped by the fact that she’s been traveling all her life, and that she practiced law for 10 years — two facts that sound unrelated, but the first means that she’s comfortable with the logistics of travel, and the second means that she’s a devoted researcher. Few things please Mary-Alice more than figuring out how to structure a vacation so Chloe can participate as much as possible, and Dog Jaunt’s readers benefit from her obsession.
It’s a tremendous help, too, that Chloe is a good traveler. A goofy, appealing, sweet-tempered dog, she’s a 13 lb. ambassador of good cheer and a devoted hunter of squirrels and pigeons (neither species fears her; squirrels, watching her approach, have been seen reaching unconcernedly for another nut).
In September 2013, Mary-Alice published her first dog travel book, Bone Voyage: Travel With Your Pet. It’s a how-to guide focusing on dog travel, primarily in and between North America and Western Europe, but with tips for owners of other kinds of pets, and travelers contemplating other destinations (including Australia and New Zealand).
Find out more about Bone Voyage, and about traveling with your pet dog, at